The further i lay here i know it's harder to get up,
without you.

Winnie Ang Hui Ni rocks all my Citrus socks.
These pictures are so due, but nevertheless!
I've been doing stuff to account into my:
Book of Productivity of The Life of a 16 year old
haha, not as if such a book exists.
Recently i've been rather distressed,
As i'm floating like a swan on the waters,
i'm waddling like a duck under the waters.
Distressed about not reaching perfection(well,
somewhere close at least) in the things i'm
It's that feeling of complete-incompleteness.
(Geez why am i suddenly creating my own
set of vocabulary?)
It's this sensation where you're proud of yourseld that you've
accomplished something, but on the other hand, you're
not satisfied because it's not the best of you.Then again, you
don't wanna redo it because you're just plain drained.
Mood ring turns: purple
or should i say purple?
JC's soo overrated.
More cute girls than cute guys.
Detention classes.
Girls slamming their mood swings into your face.
Everyone around you getting excellent grades.
Club sandwiches keep burning up.
I should quit hockey and join eco club.
hockey: twice a week
eco club: once?
save your environment
bully nerds
ditch skip pon
qian jin qian jin
Libraweighs her priorities.I
recently realised i've got alot of Testosterone.
Must be above average.
If you were there at J.P listening to the Hockey girls'
conversation about the hottest chicks in school,
you'll get my point. (:
Meli seems to be making a statement. I wonder what. (:
I know way too well that within these past two weeks
(when i MIA-ed from blogging) I've grown pretty dang much.
(super alot)
Not physically, but internally rather.
The number of nerones that found their connections in my
brain. I acknowledge them(:
It's amazing how they all conjoin and make you smarter &
everything, and you can still feel lost; disconnected.
Just yesterday I was one step closer to my dream of crashing
the Music industry, unofficial jamming with WFN.
Just yesterday I crashed dhoby gaut with the 987 street paraders.
Just yesterday I adjusted my wires to be Summer for an
audition. Just yesterday I escaped the world with rag @ Barrage.
Can I believe it, all these were accomplished yesterday.
Yet when i try to butt myself down and connect with Mr Kong Fu Zi
and Robert Sexton, I can't seem to tie down my hyperactive attention
Until God has to speak to me through Deuteronomy saying he'll not
forsake me. aww..Peace be with me(:
It has always bugged me why things don't come in a full package.
But it bugs me even more when I realize that people are all way
ahead of that. People keep multiple packages for themselves,
and take their pick and form a new package altogether.
Shock of the hour. Gasp for 3 seconds.
Amongst all the trauma that has been shooting
like darts at me, (why darts? cus they aren't excruciating,
just many many little ouches) these are the little things that make
my day(: Try spotting me(:
-Gummi bears during lectures and tutorials,
-aftermath of TEN rounds around the hockey pitch,
-catching the last train home
-getting caught in the rain during training and smelling like
rain+sweat after that
-the only 2 people i pranked on April Fool's day fell for my prank
-being acknowledged for your efforts.
i need to go):