I am the chaos and you are the cosmos

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Taking back Sunday
Hell do i remember scrutinising this word in Literature & squeezing the meaning out of it.

1. Bitter
2. Nostalgic
3. Family day
4. The start of yet another endless week

Filming these past few unblogging days have been squeezing
it out of me too. Meaning = Lack of sleep.
I'm so damn glad that i've submitted my JAE choices.
It really vexed me like fgoasierbakfbsdflbldjhbcvl.
Seriously who takes >50 hours to pen down their choices???

Anyway after submission, my satisfaction was overtrod (I have
a strong feeling it's in the wrong tense) by nervosity. I felt like
i was gonna get Anorexia Nervosa without the "Anorexia". Now
we poor O level people have to undergo the agony of waiting for
our posting results. MOE hasn't had enough. Mr.MOE, look what you've done.

2. Push forward Os
3. MODERATED HIGHER CHINESE (with courtesy to the China FTs)
4. Released our results before CNY
5. Gave us 12 blanks on the JAE form
6. Gave us 4 seconds to submit JAE form
7. Undergo the terrorising wait of posting.
[Now Mr.MOE, you're the postman & we're the letters & stamps.]

Albeit all these really mundane agony,
Mindy's very happy that she's gonna live half her dream.
The full dream is to (refer to wishlist) star in HER very own
music video, but this one's not too bad either(:
I'll be appearing as The Girlfriend in a music video featuring
an underground band PeepShow (ME LIKEEEE IT)

The shoot was really fun:D My 'boyfriend' 's apartment is
gonna be in a lovely place in Suffolk Road, & we were supposed
to be quarreling intensely in the music video.

I simply LOVE the concept.

1. Montage of PeepShow playing intro, empty hat, passerbys.

2. Guy & girlfriend arguing...BIG time. Angle on blue sock on
guy's stereo which girl threw during the fight.

3. Girlfriend storms out after the fight. Angle on pink socks that
she's wearing.

4. The guy falls back on the bed, cools down awhile, grabs bath
towel, heads into the shower.

5. Sock comes 'alive' He's shocked and upset that 'pinky' is gone.

6. Sock is frustrated and devices a plan. He grabs all of Guy's clothes
and scurries out of the apartment.

7. Sock hitches a ride. A blue van hitches into frame and gives him a lift.

8. Sock tumbles and bounces at the back of the van.

9. Driver is busy singing and driving like a nut.

10. The van stops at a sidewalk, and Sock is spit out of the van. He waves
off the driver ans turns to get his bearings with a map.

11. Sock realises he's in a city & decides to roam around.

12. Sock spots 2 dudes in an alley. Asks them for directions but in turn got

13. Sock sits up into frame with a black eye. Picks up his empty wallet, sad.

14. Montage of Sock walking around in a gloom. Gets hit by a frisbee, a kid
kicks his leg, bird droppings fall on him etc.

15. Sock is standing looking sad, takes out his wallet and sees the picture of
Pinky, then got hit by an inspiration.

16. Sock joins the band and dances. Money starts to fill the hat.

17. Crowd clap at the performance, band decided to split earnings with Sock.
They go on seperate ways.

18. Back in the house Guy comes out of shower, he looks for his clothes but
they're gone. He sees the door ajar and a trail of clothes. Starting with his

19. Inter cut with Sock a the florist, buying flowers, leaving the shop.

20. Guy follows the trail of clothes picking them up as he go..jeans..t shirt..
1 blue sock..1 shoe..

21. He finds his final piece of clothing (blue sock) at the doorstep of someone's

22. Guy puts on his sock and shoe. While at it, door opens, Guy looks up, it's
Girlfriend. Guy is surprised-confused. Girl sees guy lacing up his shoes, and a
bouquet of flowers next to him. Girl is happy-surprised. Guy looks around
at a loss and salvages the situation with the gift.

23. Girl gives guy a naughty look and tugs him at the collar into the house with
door slamming shut behind them.

24 .Angle on their feet (blue sock and pink sock) Bed scene.

I bet you laugh, at the thought of me thinking for myself.
I bet you believe, that i'm better off with you than someone else.

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