I am the chaos and you are the cosmos

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Beware, GP ahead.

So this is how it goes;

TOAST. To this great accomplishment of ours,
in getting to this stage of maturity, grats to all.
However, i must strongly voice out my utter dissapointment
with the shocking immaturity of the school.

That's right, having your own friends (take note: where acquaintances just upgraded to friendships) point out one another's claws and flaws that is.

Here's an analogy: Throwing a piece of meat in between two
Jews and having them to fight for it in front of your own eyes.
There are many issues in this situation that i'm concerned about.
Socially, Politically, and Personally.

Firstly, and most expected, the purpose of such an activity is to
bond the students with their classes and learn from your own
mistakes through what others point out to you. But FYI, isn't
the social esteem more important in this case than the physical
closeness? I mean who would wanna get a bad remark (even if it's
constructive critism) in the inital process of knowing each other?

Example: "Hi OMG you look horrendous in that shirt btw nice to meet you."

Yes, being blunt is one thing, being honest and truthful is another,
but being honest and truthful AT THE RIGHT TIME is awholenother
thing altogether.

That aside, the other thing is hurt(or in some cases, crushed)
esteem weighing more than an improved attitude.

i)We say the grass is greener on the other side,
ii)We also say birds of the same feathers flock together.

So what if the grass is greener on the other side? (:
No one's saying greener is better.
You are.
& moreover, i LIKE it light green here, together
with the daisies and sunflowers. The grass prolly looks
light green here because the sun is shining brightly
down on us.
But then again, it's how you promote it, not what you're
given. If i was on the greener side i'd say i like the shade
and the nice breeze here, out and away from the scorching

Birds of the same feathers flock together. Orientation'09
was great, and it will remain sweet in our memory
forever, of the class spirit we possessed (don't
get me wrong, we still have the class spirit - only that the pearl
is in a clamshell). But life goes on and there is more to that, not
everything must go according to our plans and turn out fine
and dandy. Some search for people with the same frequency as us and we
settle in, some like rojaks with all kinds of spices, others gather with
a wrong common ground to put others down to allegedly bring themselves
higher. Where is the love in such groups? The only thing that bonds the
people, is gossip.

God told me one thing: Remove the plank in your eye before
you pick on the dust speck in your brother's eye.

(word here that captures me: brother)

Which means it involves love. Ultimately if everything we do
involves love, nothing can be too difficult. We will all be
royalties because we will wear forgiveness like a crown.
If you love this person like you love your brother/best friend/
whoever you treasure, no jealousy will arise, no hatred will arise, no
behind the back talks that wouldn't help the person will arise.
The only thing that needs to arise, is love. You'll be in prayers, A06.

Just because the facts aren't being spoken out doesn't erase their existence;
silence is just a quieter way to lie.

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