I am the chaos and you are the cosmos

Friday, June 26, 2009


Transformers 2: REVENGE :DDD

The disappearing eyebrows act (: YI camp 2008.

M: You know what, I think we're pretty cool. K: Why? (stoopid, she KNOWS why) M: Cause........*ten mins later cause..... you're kinda not Chinese. K: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH I was waiting to see how you'd phrase it. M: I knew it.
That was part of the gazillion conversations that MK had after SP-study. (:

After we stepped out of the carpark, and after my dad closed the door behind him,
i saw this.
And these thoughts came to my mind.
"Why should I accept him in the first place?"
-so disappointed it was a girl who wrote it, what a disgrace.):

1. Vandalism
2. Ugly handwriting
3. Ambiguous writing

Ambiguous because it can either mean
a) She regrets to have accepted him initially. (Then it should be did)
b) She's asking the world(or the door/carpark people) for reasons why she should accept him.

But it's quite unlikely for it to be the latter because she can't be THAT dilemmic until she has to vandalise carpark doors right? If it's really option b, then she's over-reacting because i bet that guy was sleeping when she was vandalising that, and no one will hate themselves for not being able to make a decision on whether they should accept/decline. haha really.

"What should I do?"
"I really hate myself"

GOSH aiyoooooooo.
I think you should wait for puberty.
Don't hate yourself for something you cannot control.
Please don't pen your sigh down in that manner.

That brings me to my compilation of interesting stuffs(((:
The Da Vinci Of Men
(xomg tomg homg womg soo cool)
I'll gather my thoughts carefully then pen it down.

And now you wish that you meant smth to somebody else.

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