I am the chaos and you are the cosmos

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Caramel; Carousel


Dreams about artificial Candyland are arising again.
(!!!) Oh yay dreamy emotions rolling in(:

Since mummy&daddy got me this Candyland CD
game in pre-school, i've fallen in love with the
Candyland idea ever since. Come to think of it,
it works with everyth you know! Clothes, party
themes, colours, shoes etc!:D Okay no PEEL, so drop it.

Gig at FAD was awesome yesterday:D
Well...there were hiccups, like volume and amp
problem, but the only things that keep me moving
are moral support and inspirations.
Ugh i sound so..It's the climbbbbbbbbbb now:/

Go Hannah, "We gonna make this ROCK!"
I think my outfit pwns Hannah's hahahaha.
"Eh girlsss how do i un-fan Hannah Montana?"

Thanks CJ to you too that i'm becoming less
and less PG, osmosis, higher concentration to
lower concentration:D Well actually no matter
who I hang out with (other than the cage), I'll
be less and less PG cause I think I've been in my
own cage all these while.

You once locked me up in it, now someone's gonna come get me.

I'm sooo very happy, I always am after a gig(:
& I always feel that there are a few kinds of

1. Your own joy
2. Other's joy
3. Other's joy translated into pain unto you
4. Your joy transated into pain unto others

Perhaps this is another one of those theories
I have. Adding on to the Boyf-Girlf collection.
+ Ta's 1988 theory (Joey proves it!)

Moving on, I personally think the greatest
sense of accomplishment+joy in the sense that
you feel proud of yourself comes from no.3.
Sounds dammmn emo but really.

I guess nothing tastes as sweet as what I can't have.

No.3 is the mother of 40% sin. Has to be.
It determines what kind of person you are
by the way you respond to situations.
Your reaction determines the conswquence.

Arty farty words coming out, this calls for
song writing.(:

I'll feel a little more safer, just come a little bit
closer when everything has fallen to the ground

You gotta, GOTTA love Joey laaa.

why so confusing?):

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