hiii neglected one, i'm back from my study hibernation and finally found the motivation to blog again. (well actually i only blog here if i have pictures..or if i am determined enough to upload them) June's fridays were the only life i had of the study break. and even so we meet each other with the bookface. B-)anywayss ta and i spent yesterday at rail mall(: (because it's rail mall) "[she] [somehow] decided to dress a jungle look." ok maybeee we were there cus i wanted to strike "Do some Tumblr-esque photography" off the to-do list; my very simple list of things to accomplish after exams. [cut hair, recommend Eumora to my friends, Topshopping, watch Eclipse(/that cute annoying girl), run, bake without an oven(i will elaborate), and collect my pay] i am overdoing the parenthesis aren't i... so anywayss it was ta who ninja-ly snuck me into the rail place(i swear i never knew how to) and it was also her brilliant idea to climb the freakishly steep hill in her flip flops(which broke btw, which i fixed) she made me climb too but surprisingly the monkey in me didn't unleash itself ystd..or since the tree incident..ANYWAYS my lightning fast mind brought me to the end of the hill where it meets the ground level and i ran up the hill from there. oh it was also ta's brilliant idea to place her belongings on the track edge, claiming that "nobody will take them" and that "the train will only come once in 10 million years". hahahhahaha uh-huh.So when we were taking bangla pictures on the hill, the train ZOOOOOMED past and we screamed at each other for 7 whole seconds i can bet and we were jumping on the spot i wanted to cry laughing. When we went down we saw the remains of her belongings(mine was still intact thank God) her torn "shoe bag" one shoe went missing, and her guava juice got dragged 10 miles away. i found this paper mache of something i don't wanna know what and i scared her into thinking that was her shoe. hahahha i knew something was fishy when her shoe broke! so foreshadowing. heh. But after walking for abit we found her other shoe(: and we went running after that which was soooo good exams make people so unfit and stiff. >:(x
anyways last Friday at the malay restaurant place in cck park i created this very difficult and fun game where you have to find words to break up which satisfies 2 conditions:
1. the separated words must be real words.
2. at least one of them must be pronounciated differently from the original word.
eg. soon, so/on
goon, go/on
questions, quest/ions [submitted by kavita - winning entry]
taxi, tax/I
yes come on children crack your brains!
posted by minthol cigarette. #
2:45 PM