I am the chaos and you are the cosmos

Friday, November 12, 2010


this is what i'd like to call.. home productivity

I spent an hour making my very first Eggs Benedict this afternoon. The toughest part was poaching the eggs and making the Hollandaise sauce which i'm going to have to master or i'll be feeding my family and friends (or myself) raw yolk which is not very ideal... Spent a great deal of time lemon-izing the yolk stench out of my fingernails): But my virgin kitchen experience was greatt and very rewarding. I attempted to make Bircher Muesli too but the Oat substitute was not a good idea at all. I wanna make Caramelised banana waffles soon (:Gotta get the waffle mixture! I think my minuscule culinary skills could finally get me some friends! Oh what's that, a friend request on facebook? I think it's working!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


for better or for worse.

I am suddenly fatigued. Drained as though i've travelled through the 18 years I've lived on a train. In this time period when my closest friends are not by my side I feel a perpetual need to learn to be independent. As though this is training for the near future where I would be the one having to distance; isolate myself away from everyone else to study. At the moment I feel as though I'm being intoxicated by the kind of sick you experience when you cross the line from freedom and independence over to loneliness; too much isolation. The worst part of it being the subtleness of it when in the midst of preparation you find that you're already on the other side. I feel a sense of victory yet self-pity at the same time for moving along with what is being thrown at me, breaking and mending things along the way.

For every thing that triggers a tear or breaks a heart-string it somewhat fuels your adrenaline as it puts you in a position where you expose your weaknesses for that split second and you make an unexpected self-discovery. It empowers you most of the time, but at times you wish you never knew that about yourself as sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

It is between the unexpected transitions between your old self and your new one where you feel most naked. As though you are in the midst of some sort of creation that is meant for nobody to witness. It is where beliefs are being manufactured, where thoughts and memories begin to swell and sink their claws in. Most importantly, the place where you're not in control of your own mind anymore.

I've been all too numbed to my innate resistance against ridiculous status quos and conventions in my humble opinion, yet I suddenly find myself being mildly intoxicated and curious about what I've been meaning to avoid. Nevertheless, I am certain that almost immediately I feel a familiar, yet discomforting force pulling me back to the reminders of the pain, risk and folly that it so slyly entails.

For better or for worse.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


who took the sugar out of my raspberry juice?

My october pretty much passed peacefully..with me doing lots of things alone. And spending time with non-A level takers. Which is like zero haha kiddingg. Issit just me or does everyone get frustrated at bad meals? This makes me wanna pick up cooking. I have these many desires scratching at the walls of my brain and heart that blogger cannot satisfy anymore. Especially when there's Tumblr. And these days I seek more solace talking it out rather than typing it out here in this white space. and come on only 8 font choices? Can't they slip in Helvetica?

Keep calm and go put together outfits.

Friday, November 5, 2010


bury the hatchet

addy is so hilarious when she gets bitchy.
"his girlf is sooooooooooooooooo ugly. soooooooooooo ugly you know? She looks like...like him." *fist hammers down on table for impact


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