Remembering Sunday
from Juliet Simms' POV
I'm not coming back, I've done something so terrible
I'm terrified to speak but you'd expect that from me
I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt
Now the rain is just washing you out of my hair
Out of my mind, keeping an eye on the world
So many thousands of feet off the ground
I'm over you now I'm at home in the clouds
Towering over your head
Now she awakes from her nightmares, a daily routine since she left,
but what's the point when reality and virtual do not differ?
Fearing to fall asleep, fearing to wake up and greet the world,
She forgot the feeling, the feeling of being embraced, the feeling of being
The eternal bliss that was right infront of her,
crept up to her like a spy,
silently, soundlessly,
Brushing against her once soft, warm and tender skin,
it quickly turned cold, at least she thought it happened all too fast
She opened her eyes to find the culprit,
only to see him disintegrate as his eyes of crystal clarity
look back at hers in regret, in penitence.
As though she was looking back at her reflection.
This place seems like a stranger all of a sudden.
A stranger she has been wanting to know all along.
"So let me go, and you will find someone" he said.
Then again how can anything or anyone be a stranger
when he's in every part of this erratic world?
Perhaps he has been a stranger all these while,
perhaps what she had seen were the facades he had put on so sly.
Tousling her long wavy hair, she got up
in her and undies and overworn tank top which smelt of himshe walks up to the white-framed windows,
wondering if the colour under the paint is black.
Filling up with a breath of the scented summer air,
could easily be the only highlight of the day
until she looks up to see the familiar stranger
with the same look in the eyes
directed at someone else.
Originally written by Mindy Chow.
I'm hurting now):I fell just now.Think it was for you.
The disappearing eyebrows act (: YI camp 2008.M: You know what, I think we're pretty cool. K: Why? (stoopid, she KNOWS why) M: Cause........*ten mins later cause..... you're kinda not Chinese. K: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH I was waiting to see how you'd phrase it. M: I knew it. That was part of the gazillion conversations that MK had after SP-study. (:

After we stepped out of the carpark, and after my dad closed the door behind him,
i saw this.
And these thoughts came to my mind.
"Why should I accept him in the first place?"
-so disappointed it was a girl who wrote it, what a disgrace.):
1. Vandalism
2. Ugly handwriting
3. Ambiguous writing
Ambiguous because it can either mean
a) She regrets to have accepted him initially. (Then it should be did)
b) She's asking the world(or the door/carpark people) for reasons why she should accept him.
But it's quite unlikely for it to be the latter because she can't be THAT dilemmic until she has to vandalise carpark doors right? If it's really option b, then she's over-reacting because i bet that guy was sleeping when she was vandalising that, and no one will hate themselves for not being able to make a decision on whether they should accept/decline. haha really.
"What should I do?"
"I really hate myself"
GOSH aiyoooooooo.
I think you should wait for puberty.
Don't hate yourself for something you cannot control.
Please don't pen your sigh down in that manner.
That brings me to my compilation of interesting stuffs(((:
The Da Vinci Of Men
(xomg tomg homg womg soo cool)
I'll gather my thoughts carefully then pen it down.
And now you wish that you meant smth to somebody else.
5 instant first impressions in chronological order
1. Mane (Sunsilk/rough like the foot scrubber)2. Eyes (Smiling eyes/eyes which look like they're gonna murder you)3. Smile (Darlie man?)4. Body (Height, size etc)5. Speech (Spit all over your face keep saying huh/ beg your pardon princess)How amazing are we to have mastered instant impression-making in a glance within split seconds to decide whether you wanna continue talking to that person or stand 16 yards away from him?Super duper uber amazing. Come to think of it, no wonder Christopher Boone (The autistic kid in The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night Time) had to hold up a piece of paper with instructions on how to assess a person's facial expressions and match them to their emotions, cross referring to the time, environment, setting whatever..People don't realise the impressions they give strangers. People thought i came across as unapproachable and a snub. hahahahah but then they got to know me and they get soooo surprised that i'm not who they thought i was. (: For some people, you'll like them when you first meet them, but for others, you'll learn to like them the more you know about them, i guess i belong to the latter.*Post-it: Need self-esteem boost): It's pretty low..I think girls think too much... Over-react too much.We sometimes need to be amidst guys for a certain period to find out what crimes we're committing. haha.
Kegan(!$&#*$^@) Gave our $9.60 balloons away to some indian kid who burst them all except the blue one.):<
Let's run awaaay.987 Life's a Beach.(: Had fun(: 193847385 pictures delayed.Too tired to blog anymore..
Goodnight world i love you.
Dy needs a good motivation to blog.
& you'll need it too, to read this post.
Lucas Till!Fishmonger smile :DHAHA Taa's fainting.Okay start.For the first time in centuries, I really think this is the only time whereyou hear people singing so much praises of our very own Unity Secondary School.When we first entered, it was just a blue building blending into the backgroundtucked away at some ulu Yewtee.(huh, who's that?)Five years later, it's this vibrant school with eclectic colours, washed with Epoxypaint, situated just behind YEWTEE SQUARE, where it is a place grand enough forlocal bands like Jack & Rai to perform in. (: And that's the only point i wanna get across.I'm proud of you Unity!(:
Racial equality infront of the Core Values banner! Way to go us! ;)
What looooooong arms i've got, hahaha!Selina forever uhh..left hand: iced miloright hand: fishballs:D *shakes head
The 1/6 2/6 peeps(:
We bumped into the favourite little indian boy, JATTISH!! (:Yes, he's that boy in the Bollywood movie directed by Kumar:D
I look like i'm advertising something..just can't make out what.We were all sulking cus we couldn't get into those big balls):Cause i was in a skirt and i needed to rush off to another place):.Schedule:19th June, Friday - Botanics picnic cum shoot20th June, Saturday - 987's Life's A Beach20th June, Saturday - New Creation Youth Service!
20th June, Saturday - Audition for Tapestry @ Beat Merchant, be there @ 1:45pm
25th June, Thursday - Electric Ballroom @ Home Club [Gig], most likely starting after 8pm. This gig features Plain Sunset & Nothing to Declare.29th June, Monday - LOVE SPCA @ Republic Poly [Gig], starting @ 4pm.2nd July, Thursday - Arts Platter (IGNITE! Edition) @ RP auditoriumAHHHHHH, AHHHHHHHHHHHH ):
I gotta turn down like everything, just for you. Just for you MYEs ):
(: You've got a smile that could light up this whole town.
Meet my new found love
How sexy is she? (Keyboard, not the laptop)
Mood: --------------------- listless.

The fans taking a picture with our beloved
little captain.
Pun on word little(: Just look at Mel's solids.
tsktsktsk everyone was commenting.HAHA

The Hockey girls in Australia
haha nah just kidding (: It was a fight between
AUS and JPN.
6:1 :D
Training tomorrow. Shoot me ): My legs are jelly already.

FOREVER 21 NOT IN A GOOD WAY. Kavi lookin effin.


Fringes = Fail here.
Another Fail's the sweaty bloated stomach ewwww
Alright above pictures taken IN THE QUEUE which we were in
from 9pm till 12am.
And even after 12am, we were still pretty far away from the entrance.
But then two "wolves in sheep clothing" came along,
got us in, and we became transactions.
So you got us in [awesome, pat on the back, good samaritans], we're supposed to "repay" your favour by fulfilling your desires? Then wouldn't "helping us get in" be "earning yourself some fun" instead? (Yes i just had to use the word earn) I'm sorry, I'm turning racist towards indian guys as of 7th June. You're not even fit to be called guys, you dickheads.
Here's a life-lesson: DROP THE FRIGGIN EGO. Please. *Punches you in your dick nose.
#1 Fake stalker message didn't work
#2 No one believes you had a bike accident 2 days ago and have a shattered collar bone.
#3 "Take it easy, if you don't wanna give your number, it's totally cool with me...so are you gonna give me or not?" - Be honoured I edited the quote from that horrible anjack accent *PUNCHES YOU IN YOUR DICKCOLLARBONE
#4 Shouting the number aloud for confirmation. Burn yourself like you are already.
#5 Go get someone your TYPE.
I'm stopping at six because it's the devil's number. How dare you have the FRIGGIN cheek to wear a cross on your neck. Shame on your dickneck.

Our supposed 'candid hug shot'
Setting = Fail
Celebrating black bras day?Another Fail = Horrendous two-shaded arm.This calls for a tan session.
I don't know how i can still smile in my Fail cardigan after the ordeal?!I guess the only highlight was..FINDING A BANK
HI AYOOB! Happy smexy seventeenth Ta,
I L U forever and always.
Virtual strawberry icing cupcakes for youu,
Oreo and fudge Mcflurry to Malt your worries away.
Superintelligence blessings from Albert Einstein(:
Good hair days blessings from God!
Superman blesses you with catwoman powers meowrawr!
Blessings that you'll grow taller.
Blessings that your theory will win a nobel prize.
XOXO Merry Christmas!
-Present delayed due to Swine Flu/ get yours at the nearest 7-11 outlet today!
Catch Waiting For Nothing live at The Arena, Clarke Quay, Sound Series 1.(:Featuring your very own talktothewalls
Get your tickets NOW $21
Skip lunch for four days yah? :P
Ten reasons why you shouldn't club
I'll be back to blog about this.
Gotta get my keyboard now(:
"Miss Chow, you're under house arrest."Oh Mr Policeman, you may arrest me anytime if you've got 1. High cheekbones2. The shy-est smile ever3. The Sunsilk-ad hair4. Darlie teeth5. Smells like Johnson's Baby lotion at times6. The most hilarious jokes that can match up to Kavi's"Hi, want some new shoes? Try Ecco. (:"
Okay this is how it goes. This guy wearing a box (literally) came up to MK and said that with the cutest smile. Wow, didn't think anyone could master the art of looking and sounding like he loves what he's doing. Somebody has finally overtaken Kavi's position as the MFTYLYJA --- Master of Faking That You Love Your Job Association. Hehe. So after we walked away, Kavi commented (forever never ending comments) "Wah insult our shoes, look at his shoes, so cock-up" Me: "HAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH*deep breath(kavi says phew)HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH"Kavi: "shhhhh shhhhhhhhhh Mindy shut up Mindy shut up i'm going to walk away"Me: "We should use his own line back unto him"Kavi: "No cannot, later he panic, HUH THAT'S NOT IN THE SCRIPT"Me: "HAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA(drops on the floor) Where the hell do you get your jokes from?!?" VAUNT IV
*Waves at secret admirer - ): come back noooow, i'm counting to 10
Swallow your gut
I've been wanting to blog these thoughts for quite awhile. And now I finally have the chance to do so(: Now it's just you and me. hahahaa.
You know sometimes, we as sinful humans seek the purest joy in the littlest vengeance. Say, a fat auntie shouts at you for not "siaming"(dodging) when she walks into you, and the next second she falls flat on the ground cause a fatter ang moh bangs into her. hahah. It's natural if we give that sinister grin. (If you're normal) But if you burst out into fits of laughter and dance around the upside down auntie, i'm sorry... I dunno you. hahaha.
That was scenario 1. Vengeance mirror-reflected back to source.
Here's Scenario 2: Vengeance on innocent parties who remind you of the guilty party who inflicted any sort of pain whatsoever unto you. Now THIS is the blackest sin.
Okay i don't wanna sound like some depressed emo teenager now. *Takes a deep breath*
I feel really really really realllllly bad when i commit scenario 2. As much adrenaline rush as you get from it, the downside's twice as bad. But i guess people do the most irrational things when desperate times call for desperate measures, when the situation calls for a certain reaction - the reaction they think is the best at the point in time.
It's like an invisible act of regaining something. Esteem? Power? I dunno. Something bad.
It's like how people with problem childhoods behave a certain manner, to make up for something.
In the end we do things to 'claim' something back or 'make up' for something we've lost.
What then, is real and genuine?(ans: Jesus!)
So why don't we make one more wrong turn tonight?